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Friday, January 18, 2013

A Picture Tour

Hello! Congratulations, if you are reading this it means you are subscribed to my blog. Your reward is getting to read the rough draft with not so great pictures early. I really wanted to give some sort of visual to those who love me the most :) but its not quite "share on Facebook" ready. Last Saturday, I walked the way I do everyday and took pictures of all the things that really stand out to me. I realized there are a lot! (So far) this post is less than a third of the pictures I took, and I only took pictures for the first 20 minute or so walking portion of my commute).

I love this little uprooted tree, just lying in the sidewalk. I really hope it doesn't get taken away. This guy would tell me when I was home those first few days when I was always lost.

My little tree.

I love love love this. I don't care who you are, what your political beliefs are...there is no way you can oppose this. To be in poverty is not a crime, and we cannot treat those who are as if they are criminals. Love this graffiti.

This is a cute daycare, there is also one by my work.
This is another favorite of mine, can you see the glass on top of the walls? It's so pretty in the morning (madrugada). 'll try to retake the picture in the morning one sunny day. This was the first building I saw like this, naiive me thought it was a joke or decorative. I do think people are a little over prepared for crime in their buildings, but everytime I've ask someone about break ins, they aren't concerned and the only thing they say to worry about is walking alone at night (obviously). Isn't that just common sense for all cities? But the glass is creative and pretty, and I just love that it's on businesses as well (like the daycare yoou just saw).

Very close to my "glass house" there is some beautiful art, aka graffiti. I just love the eyes, so cool.

Some more graffiti, there are a lot about women's rights.

Some little plants. My first day here I saw them being planted, they're so nice. Right after them is another little patch like this, but these ones are all trampled and dying.

This one makes me laugh, are they actually serious? I feel like probably not because there is so much other graffiti that is clearly a joke.

These things are all so close together, lots to see in the first few minutes of my walk. This is an example of how different the sidewalks are here. This is the worst spot I encounter, but they really are quite dangerous if you're not watching your feet. The worst is that the driveways are lower than the sidewalk so you frequently need to take a few steps down and then a few steps up. And do you like the pretty building?

I know I've been saying this about everything, but I love this plant! I touch it everyday, it's so fat and squishy looking.

Just a pretty little garden in front of a dentist office.

And right across the corner we have some more graffiti, this is what tells me it's time to turn.
I'm pretty sure "choros" is chores, but it's not in my little book (I'm really hating this dictionary) so its just a guess. It loosely translates to "in this hour I kill chores." I could be completely off with "chores," maybe it's actually something super offensive.

I love the pájaro outside of this paperlria,  I've been there three times, I bought a journal here for 95 cents.

Here it is again! I've seen it 4 or 5 times through out the city

Beautiful! I love that I get to see this gorgeous scenery on my walk, I didn't go out of my way at all to take this picture. This picture really doesn't do it justice.

Okay, I will at some point make this pretty (possibly not until May!) but I will add more pictures of my walk sooner than that. Thakn you for bearing with me as I don't have much time to make everything top notch quality!

1 comment:

  1. You are right, it does look absolutely beautiful there, I really want to go just by looking at your first pictures! The scenery is absolutely beautiful. It is hard to look at the pictures when I don't know what anything says!! Next time translate some of the grafitti for me :)
    Have you figured the language of honking yet? What each honk means?
