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Friday, October 19, 2012

Embarrasing American Moments

Thinking about my most embarrassing moment still turns my cheeks reds. Just ask me to tell you my "oops" moment involving phone contacts, its a great story. I don't even want to consider what silly things I will do abroad...I'm anticipating a lot of these things will revolve around Spanish 101 words, that minor thing called hiking, and my notorious habit of spitting out food like a gag reflex.

I am still over 100 days away from beginning my quest with Carpe Diem, but I have somehow managed to make a fool of myself already. I made it through my phone interview without saying anything too embarrassing, and sent a library of emails without a single typo. Last week, I mailed in my deposit though.

Ain't I artsy? Beautiful pic right? (Don't judge me for being a dork and taking a picture, its the biggest purchase of my life thus far, and a huge decision).

Since I clearly have never given anyone that much money before, I don't know how to spell "thousand."  And of course I realized this mistake after sealing the check in the envelope, placing it in the good ol' BU post office, and posting a picture to Instagram and Twitter.

I considered going to the PO's and asking for my letter back, to rewrite it, but I A). didn't have 56 cents for a new stamp and envelope combo, and B) am almost out of checks and don't want to pay for them. A side thought was that it was a tad extreme.

Yesterday afternoon, the Carpe office received my check and sat around laughing at my terrible spelling and ignorance. Okay only the first part of that sentence is a verified fact. I am just hoping they didn't notice at all. The bank will still take the check right?

I really do want them to think highly of me. I want them to think I'm mature and responsible, partially so that when I ask for some special circumstance they'll grant it. Hopefully I spell "scholarship" right when I ask them for money.

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoy laughing at my silly mistakes stay tuned for the next 6+ months as I endeavor on the scariest time of my life, because there will be plenty of times I make silly mistakes for you to sit around and laugh at. (Although only the first part of that sentence is true, I'm not that funny).

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